We are honored to announce that Titan Advanced Energy Solutions has been selected as one of the seven winners of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Lithium-Ion #Battery #Recycling Prize Phase II!
Lithium-ion batteries power the world but only 5% are recycled for material recovery and even less are repurposed for a #secondlife in #stationarystorage applications. Using our rapid #batterydiagnostics and Battago #batterymarketplace our team is working hard to create a circular economy that brings together traceability, transparency, and rapid diagnostics.
The success of a circular economy requires collaboration and a system-wide solution. We are looking to expand our existing partnerships by working with #batteryrecyclers,#batterymanufacturers, #evmanufacturers, #batterylogistics, and other supply chain stakeholders. If you are interested, please reach out to ops@titanaes.com
Source: energy.gov