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Insights from the BattCave

We won The Battery Recycling Prize!

We are honored to announce that Titan Advanced Energy Solutions has been selected as one of the seven winners of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Lithium-Ion #Battery #Recycling Prize Phase II!

Lithium-ion batteries power the world but only 5% are recycled for material recovery and even less are repurposed for a #secondlife in #stationarystorage applications. Using our rapid #batterydiagnostics and Battago #batterymarketplace our team is working hard to create a circular economy that brings together traceability, transparency, and rapid diagnostics.

The success of a circular economy requires collaboration and a system-wide solution. We are looking to expand our existing partnerships by working with #batteryrecyclers,#batterymanufacturers, #evmanufacturers, #batterylogistics, and other supply chain stakeholders. If you are interested, please reach out to



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